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Getting A Puppy? What You Should Know Before You Bring Them Home

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Puppies are a lot like babies. They sleep all day and don't want to sleep at night, they have accidents, and they need a lot of care. You may not get a lot of sleep in your first nights with a new puppy, and it can be exhausting, but a puppy grows into a dog that gives you love and affection in return for your proper care and attention. If you are planning on getting a puppy, there are things you should know beforehand. Read on for tips.

Have A Veterinarian In Place

Have a veterinarian in place before you bring your new puppy home. Your puppy may need care or you may have questions after you have brought your new puppy home, and you may not know who to call. Find a veterinarian first before you adopt or purchase your new puppy in the event you have an issue and don't know what to do. Ask friends and family what veterinarians they use and get other references from veterinarian offices.

Puppy-Proof Your Home

Your home should be puppy-proofed before you bring home your new puppy. You should put things away that can be dangerous for your puppy, invest in baby gates to block off areas of your home where you don't want your new puppy to go, and invest in a crate to keep your puppy in sometimes. Puppy crates can also be helpful when you are potty training your puppy. Put away plants that may be toxic for your puppy, and put away small objects your puppy may find interesting and could chew on that may cause them to choke or that may be toxic. Puppies are very curious, so even food in a low cabinet can be sought out by your puppy.

Invest In Puppy Care Items

You're going to need a few things for your new puppy, including a name tag and identification information, food and water bowls, puppy food, a collar, and a leash. Other items you should have on hand while training your new puppy are training treats, a crate, puppy pads, gates, and toys to keep your new puppy busy, especially chew toys to keep your puppy from chewing things you own.

If you are bringing home a new puppy, know what type of care they are going to need beforehand. Puppies can be a lot of work, and you are going to invest a lot of time in this pet. If you aren't up for the care involved, you should consider a different pet. Reach out to resources like the Murrells Inlet Veterinary Hospital for other helpful care tips and information.
