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What You Should Know About Diabetes In Cats

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Cats are animals that are fairly self-reliant and tend to take care of themselves quite well. Because of this, many pet owners forget that their cats can suffer from health problems just like any other animal. One often overlooked potential health problem for cats is diabetes mellitus (commonly just called diabetes). This condition can be serious and even potentially life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated when symptoms develop. Get to know more about diabetes in cats and what you should do if your cat shows signs or symptoms of having this major health disorder. 

What Is Diabetes in Cats?

Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that the pancreas produces. It helps to regulate blood sugar levels and is an important part of metabolism and the body's process of using sugars to store as energy. 

When a cat does not produce enough insulin, the blood sugar can be out of control and can get either too high or too low quite easily. Both high and low blood sugar levels can be dangerous to your cat's overall health and well-being. In extremes, both could cause severe symptoms and even death. 

What Are the Signs of Diabetes in Cats?

Most of the time, cats with diabetes first show signs of increased thirst and/or increase urination. If your cat suddenly seems to be draining their water bowl in record time, is always begging for drinks out of the faucet, or just seems to be drinking more, you may want to get them checked out. 

The same goes for the increased urination. This could be a sign of other conditions but should be checked out at an animal hospital if you notice it happening for more than a day or two. 

Your cat may also seem excessively hungry when they develop diabetes. Watch for a ravenous appetite and have them go to the animal hospital if this issue occurs. Weight loss can also occur, even if a cat has an increased appetite. 

Other signs may include vomiting, lethargy, and a lack of interest in playing or other activities they used to enjoy. Any of these signs should also send you to the animal hospital right away. 

What Can Be Done for Diabetes in Cats?

Diabetes in cats is treatable. You just need to be sure you go to an animal hospital and have tests run for a diagnosis. Once your cat is diagnosed, they can begin treatment.

A special diet that is low in carbohydrates may be prescribed. And, just like in humans, insulin injections are often the first line of treatment to manage diabetes in cats. You will have to learn how to give these injections at home as they are often administered on a daily basis. 

Diabetes can be serious but is a manageable condition. Now, you can be sure you head to the animal hospital when you see signs of this condition in your cat. 

If you have further questions, reach out to a company like Norwin Veterinary Hospital.
