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6 Steps To Take If Your Dog Has A Seizure

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Just like humans, dogs can suffer seizures. Watching your furry family member go through a seizure can definitely be terrifying, especially if it has not happened before. However, what you do during and after the seizure is critical.

Here are a few steps to take if your dog has a seizure.

Remain Calm

Although witnessing your dog suffer a seizure is scary, it is important to stay as calm as possible. If you yell or scream, it can make the entire episode even worse. Maintain your composure and allow your dog to have the seizure. Understand that your furry family member is unaware of what is happening and is not in any pain.

Clear Space

Since your dog is completely unaware of its surroundings during a seizure, you should remove hazards from the environment. Clear away tables, chairs and other objects your furry family member can bump into during a seizure.

Cool Your Dog Off

If your dog has been having a seizure for more than a couple of minutes, they can overheat. To prevent this, you should place a damp towel around your furry family member's neck, paws and head. 

Video Record the Seizure

The idea of taking a video of such a terrible event may sound strange, but it is actually very helpful. A video will help your veterinarian determine if your dog was actually having a seizure or not. Certain conditions, such as balance problems and weakness, may appear like a seizure at first.

Take Your Dog to the Animal Hospital

If your dog suffered a seizure that lasted more than five minutes or had two or more seizures in one day, you should go to the animal hospital immediately. You do not want to risk your dog suffering brain damage from the episode. A veterinarian will run tests and determine the cause of your dog's seizures.

Follow Your Veterinarian's Treatment Plan

After examining your dog, your veterinarian will recommend the appropriate treatment plan. Most likely, your veterinarian will prescribe an anticonvulsant medication to treat your dog's seizures. Understand that you will have to administer this medication every day for the rest of your furry family member's life.

Although seizures in dogs are scary, they can be treated. If your dog has suffered seizures, you should make an appointment with an animal hospital right away. The sooner you get your dog treated, the better it will be. 
