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Ask Your Veterinarian The Right Questions Before Moving

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If you're moving soon, you must make plans in advance so that you won't run into problems traveling with your family. As a pet owner, this can come with more challenges and questions about making a move as easy as possible.

Before the date of your move arrives, it's wise to see what questions to ask your veterinarian to reduce the stress of your move.

Wellness Exam

Getting a clean bill of health for your pet can be great for peace of mind when your upcoming move is around the corner. Instead of having some uncertainty about your pet's health, you can discuss any concerns and ensure that the vet understands that you're moving soon.

By going over your pet's health in advance, you'll be able to ensure that there won't be surprises that can cause health problems during the move. A wellness exam can be basic or include more steps, including bloodwork. Depending on where you live, there may even be requirements about visiting the vet and having records of the visit.


Some destinations or apartments may require your pet to be up to date on vaccinations. This is vital to check when you're making plans for your upcoming move. You may find that you'll need to schedule vaccinations within a specific timeframe to ensure your pet is ready for the move.

Vaccinations can vary based on the destination or what kind of pet you have, so it's best to look into this matter with your vet. By taking care of vaccinations well before your upcoming move, you won't run into problems where your pet will undergo more stress.

Moving Help

In some cases, it could be a good idea to sedate your pet or use calming products to ease some of the stress your pet could experience during a move. If you're traveling by plane, these calming options can be even more helpful to look into. Speak to your vet about the upcoming move and any worries you have to ensure that you get help for your pet.

An upcoming move can mean many challenges in ensuring your pet is ready. Visiting a vet can give you the essential information you need and avoid a situation where your pet could experience unnecessary stress while moving. From ensuring you have all the medical records to discussing ways to ease stress, you'll have an easier time working with a vet to make any decisions. 

For more information, contact a veterinarian near you.
